Thursday, October 27, 2011

CSTEP is Approved by IRS as an official 501(c)(3) not for profit Organization

In only three weeks after mailing out the application to the IRS, CSTEP has been approved as a non profit organization. We are now looking to write grants, obtain corporate donations, look for pro bono architectural services, legal services and also anyone who wishes to join us on our journey to "Change the World One Community at a Time".
I want to take this time, to "Thank" all of my supporters, especially my former students from edison Fariera HS and also Stetson Middle School who knew I could do this and would eventually get to this point.  My goal??? To work along side with the "People I Trust" and Get the Job Done!!!    Enough of the politics around educating children...mishandling of money...blaming teachers and parents...and watching children just be pushed out of public schools with little or no skills to take with them into the world in front of them.     
This opportunity we have will allow all of us to reach out to those who don't know where to turn, don't know what to do, might not know how to do it...and we can make it better for everyone...if we put our heart and soul into it.
The world does not have to be selfish and cruel. We can make a difference and show people the way to sustain themselves and assist others as well.  We can teach those who might not know, how to be human and how to show their heart to others.

Education is the great equalizer and everyone deserves a quality education!!! And I , along with those who will support the efforts of CSTEP and our partner organizations, will educate and elevate as many individuals who want to be.

I hope that you will contact me and join us on our journey.  We are not a religious organization, business organization,political organiztion or  profitmaking organization...We are an Empowerment Organization.

The goal is to take people from where they are to where they want to be. And if they aren't sure??? We will guide them... Show them...nurture  them...

Contact Info:  Ms. Sharon Newman Ehrlich M. Ed   Exec. Director CSTEP, Inc. 501(c)(3)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Changing the World " One Community at a time" - Had to do this!!!

It has been a while since I last posted. I was on a sabbatical from school for a year due to work related issues and needing time to get my Administrative Certification. Not going to let anyone treat a teacher as I was for two years!!! During the sabbatical I learned that I made a difference for many of my students and people in the community that I call "home" for the last 25 years. My students on Facebook have grown in large numbers to ALMOST 1000!!!
This blog was a saving grace for me as I needed to read the comments many times over to feel "whole" again. ( Read the first entry to see what happened during 2007-2009)
I am still intending to build a school, but for now I am "building the community" through a non-profit organization I am developing called C-STEP - Community Science and Technology Education Project.  School is going OK and the new principal at Edison is tremendous...intelligent, very responsible and caring of the students, staff and community!!! Thanks M.P.
I am renting space at G and Erie Avenues in an Art Center and plan to hold workshops for people of all ages in computers, electronics, technology and of course ROBOTICS.
FIRST Robotics (  has been my "love" for the past 10 years. And now I am fulfilling one of my many dreams of forming a "Multi-school" FIRST Robotics Team.
My first FIRST ( lol) team was at Edison Fareira High School , where the administration ( they know who they are) supported me the best that they were able along with School District policy, and Edison's EARTH ( Edison Achieving Real Technological Heights) Squad became known for its GLOBAL DETERMINATION ( Judges Award 2004) and ENTHUSIASM FOR ENGINEERING ( Judges Award 2005) at the Regional Competitions in Philadelphia. The students at Edison proved to be gracious professionals and very resourceful.  Most of the kids nowadays use the word "ghetto", but Pedro, a student on the team stated " We are resourceful when we can make something out of nothing" . It stuck and it's TRUE!!!
EARTH Squad represented EFHS well at the competitions ( 2001-2007) and we obtained money donations from FIRST,  the community, various Universities and friends to help us to buy supplies, eat during building( which was sometimes 8 hours at a time), travel expenses to the National Competitions in Florida, Houston and Atlanta.  During those seven years, I obtained grants to send eight of the team members to an engineering camp for a full week in the summer at Widener University!! They lived on their own and learned no only to understand more about engineering..They learned that they were "OK" no matter who they were or where they were from. :)
My goal has always been to empower students to reach out of their comfort zone and see that THEY CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THEIR LIVES AND DO WHATEVER THEY WANT TO DO FOR THEMSELVES...

Now it 2011 and CSTEP will soon be a REAL Reality.  Our FIRST Team #3629, a new rookie team of about 10 students from Edison Fariera, Frankford,  Central ( my son), Northeast HS, Community Academy High School and Cherry Hill High School are on our journey to play "LOGOMOTION" at this year's Philadelphia Regional Event to be held at Temple University on April 7-9!!!

It is almost two weeks into the building phase and we have worked weekends, snow days and even on MLK Day, a school holiday.  Who says that teenagers are lazy, egotistical and don't care!!!

PACE Robotics ( Philly All City Engineers) is "movin' on up" and will welcome any support.
Come to visit ( email me at donate some tools, bring us dinner, come and cheer, join us to build...COME TO THE REGIONAL IN APRIL!!!!

Thank you to Julio Ayala 25, an EFHS graduate and four year member of EARTH Squad and co-coach with me on this project.  Chris Garcia, Jamuel Diaz, Domingo Sauris, Edwin Vellon and many former members have "stopped in" and offered support and assistance!!!

Thanks to Mr. Ed Bujak ( Software expert!!) for mentoring us and supporting the project every step of the way!!!


Let me know if you want to help!! email me soon. I'm starting to feel whole again ...:)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

C-STEP is ALMOST an official 501c3 Non-Profit Organization

More Details to Come. I am looking for Community centers...playgroups...teams ...who want to offer FREE and FUN Science lessons to families. One or both Parents must be in attendance.  My plan is to not only teach for understanding, but teach parents how to teach and learn with their children. These concepts are in the United States Standards of Science too!!!
Topics include:
Science of Bubbles
The amazing world of our body ( 4 sessions)
Space and stars
What is inside of a Computer??
Amusement park science

Do you know a group that would like this??? Let me know.
It will be FUN and HANDS ON.

In addition , I am now going to officially form my CSTEP Team for impacting the community. Our GOAL??? To design and build a school to "really"  meet the needs of the community.  NOT JUST COLLECT GOVERNMENT FUNDS AND PLACE IT?????
I would like this school to be totally INDEPENDENT of the "players" as I want to spend the money where it needs to be spent..On the kids, faculty, school and the community!!! I am looking to write grants and letters to major Educational Philanthropists, but cannot do this without my former students and their families!! THEY MUST SEE THAT I HAVE SUPPORT AND TRUST IN THE COMMUNITY .

Come with me on this journey...Education Level is not crucial..I want the input of Everyone!!!

Education215@gmail...write to me.
Love Sharon ( Newman Ehrlich)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Things are Looking up^^^^ :)

The "New School" Plan is on it's way to become a reality!!! Many people have emailed and are getting their information together for our meeting. Unfortunately the snow has kept us inside for a while, but I know that SUNNY DAYS are coming for us.
I had the opportunity to speak with someone from the US Department of Education who will be assisting me in finding the sources WE need for OUR "Plan". 
It will be revolutionary if WE ALL work together
Some people who were excited at the start have lost touch :( , but that will not waver our dedication. Life Happens...and we hope you will join us on this incredible journey...
Most know that when I set out to do something, especially something involving education and the betterment of students, and their communities, I move forward and keep doing what is needed to succeed.
What I need now, if you haven't sent it... is YOUR INFO
I sent out an email to everyone who expressed an interest in becoming involved. Need another???

I want to remind everyone tht involvement doesnt mean 24/7. It can mean:
*  Offering to be part of the school "family"
*  Presentation team to do outreach
*  Examining the plan and making suggestions.
*   Contributing web based knowledge.
*  Collecting and giving us names of Community Organizations to contact and work with.
*  Attendance at meetings to show support.
*  Distributing flyers and information.
*  Calling Media ( News, Papers,....)
*  Drawing up a floor plan
* Assisting with Fund Raising
* Anything you offer is invited!!!!!!!


The most committed to the project will  have an opportunity to become our Board of Directors. I am starting a non-profit to carry us through this, so we need definitive officers to establish guidelines and structure for the Plan.
Board Members
a. President ( leads the meetings and facilitates decisions)
b. V.President ( assists President in their goals)
c. Treasurer / Financial officer ( accountant preferred)
d. Secretary ( minutes and document preparation)
e. Safety / Security officer ( someone in law enforcement preferred)
f. Parent / Family officer
g. Social Services officer ( handles outside agency contacts and coordinates their activities)
h. Student Members ( students from the community with excellent academic record
    ( A's & B's & 1's) 7-12th grades ( 6 representatives)

Officers may be students, parents, community members, teachers...whomever we deem as committed and trustworthy.
The most important for me is COMMITMENT AND TRUST. That is why I want to work with primarily students..I TRUST YOU THE MOST.

Please contact me as soon as you can to let me know your interest, and of course POST what you are thinking and feeling!!!


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thank you everyone for this

This idea came about from a student of mine from years ago, Sheila Velazquez. Thank you Sheila.
I want the world to know how much I love teaching and my students. I do not deserve to be treated with disrespect, humiliation and negative comments by some people in the education field in Philadelphia.  It is not fair to me or the students I serve and care about.  I started a robotics program nine years ago at my present school,  yet, now that I have chosen to take a half year sabbatical, the School District ( I have emailed many departments at 440 N. Broad St) seems to think that I am incapable of running such a program, as they have let my school advertise the position without any communication with me, the sponsor of the team for 9 years.  Actually for the past two years I have struggled for my students and the program , due to negative attitudes and resistance from various members of the educational field at the school and "downtown".
I have a love for my students and want the best for them in education and life.  I always strive to be the best teacher I can, and for the last two years....that was not enough!!!  I was badgered, denied school activities, blamed for things I did not do...while other faculty members "black listed" me.
It has been a struggle for sure!!!

As I continue to pursue my Administrative Certification, I will constantly and consistently push for better educational strategies for children in the WORLD as well as in Philadelphia.  I am always available to my students should they need motivation, updating their resume or just advice in addition to anything I can offer.   Parents and Community members are always welcome to ask me too, they know that!!
No matter what, I will continue to SURVIVE as an Effective, Highly Qualified science teacher  who teaches kids to love education and live in the reality of today's world, and will do my best to ignore the negativity around me in some educational venues.

I hope to open my own "Independent" school ( grades 7-12) someday where I will have my former students at the helm!!! They are trustworthy, smart, resourceful, worldly and love life!!! It will be a successful place for education.